Monday, April 19, 2010

Yes. I'm one of those crazies.

That was my response when the following question was posed to me in the hair salon Saturday afternoon:

"You're not one of those crazies that want to have a baby without drugs are ya?"

I'm sure you can imagine my reaction.

If you're asking if I would rather not risk receiving pitocin, getting a c-section, or my baby being put in the NICU, amongst other things, then.... YES. I'M ONE OF THOSE CRAZIES. Here's a great list provided by an MD about the risks, etc.   So many women think there are very few risks with an epidural, but there's a pretty hefty list of em, as with any intervention, especially pitocin. Yeah... I'll be doing a post about that one in the future, I'm sure of it, as well as one on the cascade of interventions.

Why is it, when a woman desires what's natural, what's truly normal, for her body and her child, people think she is crazy? Hmm..... could it be because we're absolutely spoilt rotten by all the choices we are given..... and maybe we're all just a lil more stupid than people use to be? I mean.... I don't know everything there is to know about birth and breastfeeding, I'm learning more with each and every day. But I do know that when God created man, he didn't provide him with a sack full of narcotics to numb his pain. Just like... he didn't provide Eve an anesthesiologist to put a needle in her back to numb the pain during childbirth....... or a can of formula to feed their child. But.... he did provide us the knowledge and resources to develop such things..... so I suppose it can be seen different ways. I know what God gave me is what's best - that includes my breasts that make milk to feed my babies and my fair a.k.a. pale skin. I'll try to steer clear of the tanning bed rant for now.

I'm also no Bible scholar, but as I grow, as a wife and a mother, I also strive to grow as a child of God. I'll be up front... I'm pro-life...If you're not ready to be a mom and experience the natural pain of childbirth - DO NOT HAVE SEX! It's that simple. Married, unmarried, young or old... Abstinence is the only way. Condoms break and even having your tubes tied isn't a 100% guarantee. That's right, I've met more than one woman who has gotten pregnant after "getting fixed", one even had her husband get a vasectomy - and they still wound up preggers! Amazing right? Or scary? lol

I've also been told I was brave when I said I aspire to birth all future children at home. . . and I was like. . . no . . . brave would be attempting to have a natural birth in a hospital with a combative care provider like I had with my second . . . Again . . . another story.

I'm finding I struggle to stay on one topic . . . if my brain had legs it'd be a shoo-in for an Olympic gold medal. I''m also trying not to overindulge on topics.... I'd rather give my readers something to think about and then research for themselves, than have them wholly take my word for it. Take responsibility for your choices folks and do your research. :)

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