Friday, June 18, 2010

Before I step out.........

can I just say that sometimes, for various reasons, being a woman is not so grand. The most prime example being . . . getting your period. I mean, seriously, other than the fact that our menstrual cycles are what gives us the ability to conceive and grow humans inside us, it's just icky and inconvenient. Thank goodness for the Diva cup. I know some of you are looking at it and saying "eeewwww", but seriously, it is soooooo much easier, cleaner, and cheaper than anything Always or Tampax has in it's boxes. The FDA has no restrictions on what Disposable Feminine Hygiene Producers can't put in their products. As a result, they're full of toxic chemicals that cause you to have a heavier, longer, and more painful period. Your bodies natural reaction to these harsh chemicals is to thicken the uterine lining, keep the cervix closed tighter,etc. to protect itself. Obviously, if the uterine lining is thicker you're gonna have more blood to lose. If the cervix is closed tighter, it's gonna take longer for it all to drain out. Wonderful thoughts, yes? Switching to a reusable menstrual cup like the Diva, Moon, or Keeper Menstrual Cups will change your life! Your periods will be lighter, shorter, and wayyyyy less painful. Mine went from 7-9 days to 3-5 days.
I was no longer downing half a bottle of ibuprofen every month or laying out for an entire week because the cramps kept me tied down to a heating pad all day. Granted, it took a few months after my switch from sposies to the cup, in combination with cloth pads, to see the difference, but once I did, there has been no return. And no, it's not that hard to insert and cloth pads are easy to wash and wayyyyy less irritating than a kotex. Cloth liners are the bomb diggity. Find a great selection of cloth liners and pads to accomodate your new purchase of a reusable menstrual cup on

Happy Monthly!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love your blog Celia! And I am so thankful I discovered your cloth pads! I can't wait to see if they speed up my healing time with my next baby.

I wanted to pass an award on to you!